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Showing posts from August, 2018

biophysics 6aug

When I was a child, there was a tv show titled Bionic Woman; it was the female version of an already running show titled Six Million Dollar Man. The premises of these shows were that regular people were given bionic body parts. In both of these instances, they suffered devastating bodily injuries and are given enhanced technology to restore/improve their functioning. Ultimately, they both end up working for the government as secret operatives. So while I would support the use of technology to restore normal functioning in the case of serious bodily injury, I would absolutely be against the use of such technology for military purposes. Several years after the airing those tv shows, Terminator and Robo Cop arrived on the big screens. A warning of the frightening consequences of misuse of advanced technologies for military purposes.

biochem 30july

It has long been rumored that bathroom hand dryers are far less sanitary than we are led to believe. Thankfully, this has been confirmed and I can no longer feel bad for encouraging my daughter to shake out her hands instead of utilizing the suspicious hand dryer. A study found that a petrie dish placed in the bathroom attracted more bacteria after the hand dryer was used. Apparently, hand dryers suck in the air in the environment and then blow it out onto our hands. This is not terribly surprising though certainly disgusting. Unfortunately, hand dryers were supposed to be a better alternative to wasting paper towels. Now we have to ask, "at what cost?"